Thursday, March 30, 2017
Rehabilitation of Balconies in Sant Cugat
In keeping with our objective of providing communities with regular, professional and preventive maintenance, we carry out restorations that are intended to be durable and energy efficient. The idea is to seek continuous proactivity to avoid major damages.In this project different problems of oxidation of the anchorages of the balustrades in the balconies were presented with the corresponding detachment of the prefabricated concrete placings. Being a middle-aged estate, the solution was to change the railings for more durable stainless steel, waterproofing the balconies and placing new pavements. It was used and also new prefabricated stones with stainless steel interior reinforcement were placed.The objective was not only to carry out the necessary repair but to energetically rehabilitate the façade with thermal insulation and flexible mortar to ensure the durability and quality of the project.Here are some images of before and after: [gallery size="medium" link="file" ids="17701,17700,17699,17698,17697,17702"]
Project carried out by:
Alfredo Ruiz Müller | Tel./Fax: +34 93 354 52 80 |
Technical architect | Phone: +34 653 53 24 70 |
Col.9889 | |