Thursday, June 14, 2018
Organ´s World
During this last week, at ORGAN we have been completely renewing our communications system. The objective of all these changes is to bet on new technologies to improve customer service.Therefore, between Monday and Tuesday we had short cuts in the service due to the maintenance and migration tasks towards the new technology.The new system is based on IP telephony, with a virtual switchboard and greatly facilitates the flexibility and personalization of the system. With this new system the range of possibilities and advantages with respect to the previous system is extended.We have numbered the direct extensions again to facilitate immediate contact, integrated mobile to ensure the mobility of our team and to serve our customers wherever we are.The 24-hour emergency service of Administration of Communities and Wealth has been improved to guarantee 100% effectiveness at critical moments, as well as a new system of detours to prevent calls from being abandoned.We advance that in the coming weeks we will make available to our customers a mobile with Whats App to serve customers in Level 1 consultations and communication of incidents can provide photographs or locations.At ORGAN we keep moving forward to adapt to the needs of our customers, facilitate communications and solve problems more immediately.In the equipment section you will find the new extensions that will also be sent by SMS and email.Thank you!


Headquarters Sant Cugat

Francesc Moragas 17-19

Tel. 93 544 16 55

Service Point Rubi

Ps. de les Torres 47, Rubi

Tel. 93 544 16 55