Thursday, June 18, 2015
Organ is always up to date with the legal changes that have to do with our activity. Thanks to this, we offer our clients effective, safe and transparent services. Quality is our banner.Taking advantage of the possibilities offered by the new website, we consider the idea of ??keeping our customers informed with news and current news in the sector.As we published in the magazine TOT SANT CUGAT on June 19 offering a summary of the most outstanding changes on the new Horizontal Property Law, we take advantage of the novelty to refer and deepen this new Law that regulates the Communities of Owners .As approved in the Catalan Parliament, on 21 June 2015, the new Horizontal Property Law in Catalonia comes into force.Law 5/2015 of May 13 modifies the Fifth Book of the Civil Code of Catalonia.In the new wording, important novelties are dealt with regarding the operation of such relevant aspects as the boards of owners, the systems of adoption of agreements in the boards, the regimes of challenges of the agreements and the protection of the communities before debtors owners among others Many new features.There are many changes but we consider important to highlight some aspects:
- The second call is deleted.
- New regime for adoption of agreements:
- By simple majority of owners and coefficients of the attendees to the meeting.
- Unanimously or 4/5 parts among all coefficients and owners, attending or not attending the meeting.
- The credits of the Communities are privileged in front of other debts.
- Extension to 4 years, plus the current year, of ownership responsibility for debts of previous owners.
- The mandatory Reserve Fund becomes cumulative year after year.
- The agreements will be effective from the same day of the meeting.
- Only agreements established in the agenda may be taken.
- The cases are limited for the modification of quotas and deprivation of the use of common elements.
- The debt of receipts and / or payments generates interest automatically.
- Use of new technologies such as videoconferencing.
Below you can download the complete wording of this Law, published in the Official Diari of the Generalitat de Catalunya and a useful comparison of the previous Law with the new one drafted. If you have doubts or want more information contact us and we will advise you.
New Horizontal Property Law

Comparative Law Horizontal Property
